How to start Jobtrac on hold?
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How to start Jobtrac on hold?


Article ID: 191352


Updated On:




The HOLD command can be used to start Jobtrac on hold.  


Release : 11.0

Component : JOBTRAC


Use the following command to start Jobtrac on hold:

  S JOBTRACx,PARM=HOLD          (Replace x with your Jobtrac token)   

This imposes a hold state when Jobtrac  is started.  A  hold state prevents event submission by the STC,
but allows all other functions, including sysout archival and event execution tracking to continue.                                         
There is not a way to put SCL loads on hold but no events loaded by SCLs will run when Jobtrac is on hold.

To release the hold condition issue the following command:

F JOBTRACx,RELEASE             (Replace x with your Jobtrac token)

As always, please contact Broadcom support for Jobtrac Job Management if you have any further questions.