Identified users shows an icon instead number
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Identified users shows an icon instead number


Article ID: 191350


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CA Application Performance Management Agent (APM / Wily / Introscope) CA Application Performance Management (APM / Wily / Introscope) INTROSCOPE DX Application Performance Management


For some applications inside CEM >> REPORTS, collum "Identified Users" shows an icon instead numbers:


CA Application Performance Management 10.7 release.


It happens due to the application be running in E-commence mode.


When CEM reported a defect (incident defects), we need those details to show which users/user groups are impacted and being a defect we need to report them as they come under critical information. Otherwise, it is not possible to track these defects generated for which users/user groups.
As per the current design, it is not possible to use manually created user groups (IP subnet) for e-commerce mode. The purpose of e-commerce mode (application type) is for the high volume e-commerce applications where reports required to report only per-transaction type statistics(for more details please refer to CEM Transaction Definition Guide).
So in this mode, as per initial design all the stats are linked/mapped to the "Unspecified Users" user group and later, "Request attribute user groups"  support introduced. So, now in e-commerce mode, if the user groups are identified by "Request attribute user groups", then stats linked/mapped to that identified user groups, otherwise linked/mapped to "Unspecified Users" user group.         

Here are the supported user groups for the 2 application types on stats/reports side:

E-commerce mode:
Request attribute user groups
Unspecified Users

All types of user groups.

See "Request attribute user groups" helps to fulfill the customer requirement in E-commerce mode, otherwise, the only option is to change it to Enterprise mode as it reports per-user statistics.

The purpose of e-commerce mode (application type) is for the high volume e-commerce applications where reports required to report only per-transaction type statistics. In this mode, as per initial design all the stats are linked/mapped to the “Unspecified Users” user group and later, “Request attribute user groups” support introduced. Now in e-commerce mode, if the user groups are identified by “Request attribute user groups”, then stats linked/mapped to that identified user groups, otherwise linked/mapped to the “Unspecified Users” user group.