Net Agent do not show frontends
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Net Agent do not show frontends


Article ID: 191342


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CA Application Performance Management Agent (APM / Wily / Introscope) CA Application Performance Management (APM / Wily / Introscope) INTROSCOPE DX Application Performance Management


After deploying .NET agent in a standalone NET application, the frontend node does not mount and there is no one error inside the Agent logs.


Application Performance Management .NET Agent 10.8
.NET standalone application
4.0 Framework being utilized


This is due to the classes that represent the frontends are not being instrumented. .NET agents instrument by default frameworks link MVC and aspx pages.


Our Agent is fully compatible with ASP.NET language, it means that If you deploy our Agent in an ASP.NET based, you will get almost 100% of default metrics automatically.
If you deploy our Agent in a standalone .NET application, our agent is not homologated with your in house application, it means that you may need to adjust our Agent through PDBs and PBLs files in order to grab all metrics that you want. This is why, sometimes, you will not see the Frontend folder inside the Agent node just after deploy and use default monitoring.

This is due the classes that represent the frontends are not being instrumented. .NET agents instrument by default frameworks link MVC and aspx pages.

You can check our documentation about the traces available to use and try yourself the properly monitoring:

For a complete and properly monitoring based on your needs, is strongly suggest to contact your Sales Representative and explain your needs, we will address this request within the proper area.

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