Is there a way in ASM to encrypt or hide sensitive data from Webdriver monitor scripts?
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Is there a way in ASM to encrypt or hide sensitive data from Webdriver monitor scripts?


Article ID: 191310


Updated On:


CA App Synthetic Monitor DX Application Performance Management


There is no option to encrypt or hide sensitive data such as Username and Password in the scripts recorded in the third-party tools such as Katalon Recorder extension. For example, webdriver records are storing the user-password combo in plain text. Is there a way to encrypt or hide this sensitive data in the ASM side?


ASM 10.x


In order to encrypt or hide sensitive data in the Webdriver monitor scripts, please do the following:

- Go to the settings of the monitor in the ASM UI:  Monitoring -> Monitors --> Advanced
- Enter the sensitive data (Username and Password) in the fields "User name" and "Password" and it will remain hidden from every user:

- In the script, replace the Username and Password with the placeholders {username} and {password} so ASM will replace them at run time.
Notice that Passwords are stored encrypted and will only be decrypted on the monitoring station for the duration of the test.