100% CPU usage on Scalability Server
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100% CPU usage on Scalability Server


Article ID: 191301


Updated On:


CA Client Automation - Asset Management CA Client Automation - IT Client Manager CA Client Automation CA Client Automation - Software Delivery CA Client Automation - Remote Control CA Client Automation - Asset Intelligence CA Client Automation - Desktop Migration Manager CA Client Automation - Patch Manager


The following CA Client Automation processes on Scalability Server are showing a high CPU load, that causes 100% CPU Utilization:

  • Sector Server (amrss.exe)
  • Software Delivery Server (sd_server.exe)
  • Scalability Server (cserver.exe)
  • Common Configuration Agent (ccnfAgent.exe)


Release : All versions



There are a lot of Agents connected to the Scalability Server at the same time with following Configuration:

  • Agent is member of an Active Directory Domain E.G. (contoso.com)
  • Active LAN connection with assigned IPv4 address through DHCP
  • Active Wireless WAN connection with assigned IPv4/IPv6-Address through the Service Provider. For privacy purposes, Windows uses a temporary generated IPv6-Address to communicate with the internet (IPv6 Privacy Extensions). In the default settings, this IPv6-Address is valid only one day:

Mobile broadband adapter mobile radio:


   Connection-specific DNS suffix:

   Description . . . . . . . . . . . : HP lt4120 Snapdragon X5 LTE

   Physical address. . . . . . . . . : AA-BB-CC-DD-EE-FF

   DHCP activated. . . . . . . . . . : No.

   Auto configuration activated. . . : Yes

   IPv6 address. . . . . . . . . . . : xxxx: xx: xxxx: xxxx: xxxx: xxxx: xxxx: 51c7 (preferred)

   Temporary IPv6 address. . . . . . : 2a00: 20: a03b: ed95: 652c: a8d: ac1e: cfa9 (preferred)

   IPv6 address. . . . . . . . . . . : xxxx: xx: xxxx: xxxx: xxxx: xxxx: xxxx: 39a2 (provisional)

   Connection-local IPv6 address . . : xxxx :: xxxx: xxxx: xxxx: 51c7% 14 (preferred)

   IPv4 address. . . . . . . . . . . : x.x.x.32 (preferred)

   Subnet mask. . . . . . . . . .  . : x.x.x.192

   Standard gateway. . . . . . . . . : xxxx: xx: xxxx: xxxx: xxx: xxxx: xxx: 3305

                                       xxxx :: xxx: xxxx: xxx: 3305% 14


   DHCPv6 IAID . . . . . . . . . . . : xxxxxxxx

   DHCPv6 client DUID. . . . . . . . : xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-2E

   DNS server. . . . . . . . . . . . : x: x: x: x :: 53

                                       x: x: x: x :: 153



   NetBIOS over TCP/IP . . . . . . . : Activated


Microsoft Windows tries to register it’s IP addresses for the network adapter in DNS using the primary DNS suffix of the clients , is for example, contoso.com (assigned to the domain join). The DNS Server assigned to the Wireless WAN adapter does not own the DNS zone contoso.com so the registering of the IP addresses in DNS will fail:

Protocol name: System

Source:        Microsoft Windows DNS client

Date:          May 18, 2020 6:05:36 PM

Event ID:      8015

Task category: (1028)

Level:         warning


User:          network service

Computer:      ComputerTest.ca.com


Failed to register host resource records (A or AAAA) for the network adapter with the following settings:

           Adapter name: {A28005A0-F145-4A4D-9FD2-E0331325CA90}

           Host name: ComputerTest

           Primary domain suffix: ca.com

           DNS server list:

             x: x: x: x :: 53, x: x: x: x :: 153, x.x.x.126, x.x.x.125

           Sent update to Server: <?>

           IP address(es):

             xxxx: xx: xxxx: xxxx: xxxx: xxxx: xxxx: 51c7, xxxx: xx: xxxx: xxxx: xxxx: xxxx: xxxx: 39a2, x.x.x.32

The reason the system could not register these RRs was because the update request it sent to the DNS server timed out. The most likely cause of this is that the DNS server authoritative for the name it was attempting to register or update is not running at this time.

You can manually retry DNS registration of the network adapter and its settings by typing 'ipconfig /registerdns' at the command prompt. If problems still persist, contact your DNS server or network systems administrator.


The error in the registration of the IP addresses causes a complete renewal of the IP configuration for the Wireless WAN adapter.  Among other things, this causes the temporary IPv6 address to be recreated.

This causes CAF to send a re-registration message from the Agent to the Scalability Server. This is done by CAF when the IP address list changes so it can notify the new IP address to the Scalability Server or look for a different one if the Location Awareness configuration policy is used.

With the renewal of the IP configuration of the Wireless WAN adapter, windows is attempting to register the IP addresses to DNS again. Therefore, this process is going into a cycle and CAF is sending every time a re-registration message to the Scalability Server. This process can be up to two times per second on an agent. In combination with the number of connected Agents to the Scalability Server at the same time, the huge number of messages to the Scalability Server causes the high CPU load.

In the CAF Service logs (TRC_CF_CAF_SERVICE_*.log), the change is detected and can show INFO level messages with the list of the available IP addresses like the following ones.

070420-06:53:59.5671564L|003980|00001f88|CAF_SERVIC|cfNotify |cfNotify |000000|INFO | Notifier: System reports 7 addresses
070420-06:53:59.5671809L|003980|00001f88|CAF_SERVIC|cfNotify |cfNotify |000000|INFO | Notifier: IP address( fe80::xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:a16%4 )
070420-06:53:59.5672374L|003980|00001f88|CAF_SERVIC|cfNotify |cfNotify |000000|INFO | Notifier: IP address( xxx.xxx.xxx.244 )
070420-06:53:59.5672623L|003980|00001f88|CAF_SERVIC|cfNotify |cfNotify |000000|INFO | Notifier: IP address( xxxx:xx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:a4e4 )
070420-06:53:59.5673188L|003980|00001f88|CAF_SERVIC|cfNotify |cfNotify |000000|INFO | Notifier: IP address( fe80::xxx:xxxx:xxxx:f1fc%3 )
070420-06:53:59.5673429L|003980|00001f88|CAF_SERVIC|cfNotify |cfNotify |000000|INFO | Notifier: IP address( xxx.xxx.xxx.84 )
070420-06:53:59.5674448L|003980|00001f88|CAF_SERVIC|cfNotify |cfNotify |000000|INFO | Notifier: IP address( ::1 )
070420-06:53:59.5674724L|003980|00001f88|CAF_SERVIC|cfNotify |cfNotify |000000|INFO | Notifier: IP address( )
070420-06:53:59.5674985L|003980|00001f88|CAF_SERVIC|cfNotify |cfNotify |000000|INFO | Notifier:CheckIPAdresses: Old/New size 4/7; Old/new checksum: 28681/101274; rc: 1

070420-06:53:59.7008780L|003980|00001f88|CAF_SERVIC|cfNotify |cfNotify |000000|INFO | Notifier: System reports 9 addresses
070420-06:53:59.7009021L|003980|00001f88|CAF_SERVIC|cfNotify |cfNotify |000000|INFO | Notifier: IP address( fe80::xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:a16%4 )
070420-06:53:59.7010103L|003980|00001f88|CAF_SERVIC|cfNotify |cfNotify |000000|INFO | Notifier: IP address( xxx.xxx.xxx.244 )
070420-06:53:59.7010391L|003980|00001f88|CAF_SERVIC|cfNotify |cfNotify |000000|INFO | Notifier: IP address( xxxx:xx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:51c7 )
070420-06:53:59.7010676L|003980|00001f88|CAF_SERVIC|cfNotify |cfNotify |000000|INFO | Notifier: IP address( xxxx:xx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:39a2 )
070420-06:53:59.7010944L|003980|00001f88|CAF_SERVIC|cfNotify |cfNotify |000000|INFO | Notifier: IP address( xxxx:xx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:a4e4 )
070420-06:53:59.7011185L|003980|00001f88|CAF_SERVIC|cfNotify |cfNotify |000000|INFO | Notifier: IP address( fe80::xxx:xxxx:xxxx:f1fc%3 )
070420-06:53:59.7011415L|003980|00001f88|CAF_SERVIC|cfNotify |cfNotify |000000|INFO | Notifier: IP address( xxx.xxx.xxx.84 )
070420-06:53:59.7011640L|003980|00001f88|CAF_SERVIC|cfNotify |cfNotify |000000|INFO | Notifier: IP address( ::1 )
070420-06:53:59.7011865L|003980|00001f88|CAF_SERVIC|cfNotify |cfNotify |000000|INFO | Notifier: IP address( )


Deactivate the check box Register this connection's addresses in DNS in the Network Configuration Panel of the WWAN-Adapter:


  1. Open Control Panel
  2. Select Network and Internet
  3. Select Network and Sharing Center
  4. Click to Change Adapter Setting
  5. Right click to the WWAN-Adapter and click to Properties
  6. Double-click Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6)
  7. Click on Button Advanced…
  8. In tab DNS uncheck Register this connection’s addresses in DNS