data_engine not deleting old data: ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
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data_engine not deleting old data: ORA-01031: insufficient privileges


Article ID: 191300


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


Ina a UIM environment with backend database Oracle 12c the data_engine is not deleting raw data during its maintenance run. 

The data_engine is not deleting old raw and historic data properly from the database.

The following error message was seen in the tbnlogging table

spn_de_DataMaint qos: 8 mode: shrink-rn lRC: -20008 lErrMsg ORA-20008: spn_de_DataMaint_DeleteOldData: Error: -20002 ORA-20002: spn_de_PartitionTable: Error: -1031 ORA-01031: insufficient privileges


Release : UIM 20.x

Component : UIM - DATA_ENGINE


In this scenario, the data_engine was not able to perform the daily purge of old data because the user used for the connection to the ORACLE DB did not have sufficient privileges.


If the data purging is not occurring and the tbnlogging table shows an error, engage your DBA and review the database permissions of the user used by the data_engine to connect to the DB.

The permissions should be set as per Oracle Grant Permissions (

Additional Information

  • The data_engine can be configured to report table maintenance related operations directly on the DB in a table named tbnlogging.
  • To enable this set the table_maintenance_loglevel = 5 in the data_engine probe
  • After setting the log level it is recommended to truncate the table and wait 1 day before extracting the table information. This way the table will have a manageable size and will include the last day of data_engine table maintenance logs.