The information about the IP from which the suspected attacks are coming is logged in log xcd_spfd.log inside the /var/logs folder of the appliance which has detected the attack. Lines like the following will be logged
2020-05-10 17:55:01 93741 INFO run: New connection handler. (5, <IP Address>:3121, 120)
2020-05-10 17:55:01 93741 INFO getTLSLowVersion: TLS low-version: support
2020-05-10 17:55:01 93741 INFO initializeSSL: SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations and SSL_CTX_set_default_verify_paths
2020-05-10 17:55:02 93741 INFO HandshakeSSL: SSL connection using AES256-SHA (TLSv1.2)
2020-05-10 17:55:02 93741 INFO run: Policy: sessionID=,sequenceNumber=,userID=,userName=,taskName=,serviceName=,serviceType=,serviceMainframeProtocol=...
2020-05-10 17:55:02 93741 INFO isXSSattempt: Preventing Cross Site Scripting Attempt From: <IP Address>
2020-05-10 17:55:02 93741 INFO executeInternal: request [wget -O - --no-check-certificate 'http://localhost:8000/serviceController.php?dataEncoding=http_get&service=AuthenticationService&serviceMethod=authenticateUser&GK_IN_PROXY_MODE=1&authMethod=LOCAL_PROCESS&userName=xcd_local&userPassword=5c671b278a14b2a61f2e3ba6458e72714641b2cb']
2020-05-10 17:55:02 93741 INFO execute: request [wget -O - --no-check-certificate --header="Cookie: PHPSESSID=30f8bcec591fa59a89d2203c843d6cd9" --header='User-Agent: Java' 'http://localhost:8000/serviceController.php?dataEncoding=http_get&service=AuditService&serviceMethod=createLogByKey&deviceId=0&deviceName=&domName=&messageCode=PAM-SPFD-0018&port=0&serviceName=&sourceIP=&taskName=Http handler&transType=connection&userName=security']
2020-05-10 17:55:02 93741 INFO executeInternal: request [wget -O - --no-check-certificate --header="Cookie: PHPSESSID=30f8bcec591fa59a89d2203c843d6cd9" --header='User-Agent: Java' 'http://localhost:8000/serviceController.php?dataEncoding=http_get&service=AuthenticationService&serviceMethod=logout']
Thus the IP for the machine which is suspected of initiating the attack will be logged, as will be the different requests which are done from inside PAM before and afterwards, tracked by transaction number.
The SPFD log for the current day (starting at 6:25AM UTC) can be download by a PAM administrator from the Configuration > Diagnostics > Diagnostic Logs > Download page.
If the log has rolled over since the message was written, but the event occurred within the past 5 days, please download the session logs (Download button in the top right of the Sessions > Logs page) as well as the system logs (logs.bin), which can be obtained by hitting the Download button to the right of the Download System Diagnostics label on the Download page mentioned above, after setting the "Past Days" parameter to 5. Make sure to click the button only once, even though it may take a while before you see the file being saved. Then open a case with Broadcom Support and attach both system and session logs.