When I attempt to view the dumps captured by SymDump for CICS got the error message CASD6819
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When I attempt to view the dumps captured by SymDump for CICS got the error message CASD6819


Article ID: 191206


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SymDump for CICS


In the SymDump for CICS primary menu, transaction in CICS SYMD and select option 1 to view the dumps captured by SymDump for CICS.

1  Analysis           - Display/select captured CICS dumps/traces 

Got error message:

CASD6819 CA SymDump not available on this system as set in CAVHCONF


Symdump CICS


Message CASD6819 states the following:

CASD6819 CA SymDump not available on this system as set in CAVHCONF

Reason: The CAVHCONF configuration module, which is loaded into the CSA, indicates that the product is not intended to be used on this system.

Action: Contact your systems programmer to ensure that the CAVHCONF configuration macro was implemented correctly on this system and that the CAVHINIT process was run.

The CAVHCONF global option PINT option states the following

PINT parameter.

Specifies whether a product can be used on a specific LPAR. If permitted, then the normal LMP Key checks for that product are performed. If not permitted, a message appears stating that the product is unavailable on this LPAR. (This message appears in place of an LMP warning.)

The default value is DYNAMIC. This value causes the product to determine which products have valid LMP keys on an LPAR.
The product then sets the product intent values accordingly.
