DUAS node "Connected with warning" on a Node with multiple IP interfaces
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DUAS node "Connected with warning" on a Node with multiple IP interfaces


Article ID: 191204


Updated On:


CA Automic Dollar Universe


A new node is seen as "Connected with warnings" on the UVC (UniViewer Console).
After a while, the node is reachable (Connected).

When running an ifconfig (unix) or ipconfig (Windows), we can see multiple interfaces (other that eth0 and lo).



Release : 6.10



By default, the UVMS is not able to work with different interfaces.

It will try to reach the node using an interface on which the flow has not been open (or which is not meant to be connected to).

After a while (depending on the timeout set on the UVMS), it will fail and try on the other interface, which is working.


Set the CLUSTER parameter to "Yes" on the node :
uxsetvar U_CLUSTER YES

Additional Information

If this variable is set incorrectly, users may get pop-up messages like the following when trying to access node settings, job runs, etc:
You may also not be able to telnet to the DUAS ports.

On enviornment [DUASND/nodename/X]
DUAS: Job Chains on nodename for DUASND in Area X:
Could not connect. The server cannot be reached

On enviornment [DUASND/nodename/X]
DUAS: Job Chains on nodename for DUASND in Area X:
The server is unreachable. Reason: NOI CDJ Connection Problem - ServerException: connect: error creating socket [DUASND/nodename/X]

Although these types of errors are typically due to blocked ports on the firewall or network, you should also check what the variable U_CLUSTER is set to in the values.xml file.