JRE 8 End of life
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JRE 8 End of life


Article ID: 191189


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CA Single Sign On Secure Proxy Server (SiteMinder) CA Single Sign On Agents (SiteMinder) CA Single Sign On Federation (SiteMinder) CA Single Sign On SOA Security Manager (SiteMinder) SITEMINDER


We're running some Siteminder Components and knowing that next August,

JRE 1.8 will be End Of Life, we'd like to know :

  1. Which products listed has dependency on JRE ?
  2. What is the latest certificated JRE against these products if
     there is a dependency ?

We're running :

   R12.8 SP2 Policy Servers
   R12.8 SP2 AdminUI
   SiteMinder Web Agent Option Pack version 12.52 SP1 CR02
   SiteMinder Web Agent on Windows with version 12.52 Sp1 CR02


Policy Server 12.8SP3 on RedHat 6;

AdminUI 12.8SP3 on RedHat 6;


At first glance, here's the Oracle Java roadmap.

  Oracle Java SE Support Roadmap

To answer the questions :

1. The following component needs a JDK installation :

   Policy Server
   Web Agent Option Pack


   AdminUI provides embedded Java installation;

2. The latest certificated JDK is :

   Policy Server 12.8SP3 AdoptOpenJDK 1.8

    2.4 Java Virtual Machine (JVM)

      | CA Single Sign-On Component  | Java Runtime Environment                         |
      | Single Sign-On Policy Server | AdoptOpenJDK 1.8.212 (or later updates on 1.8.x) |
      |                              | 64 bit                                           |
      | Policy Server SDK 64 bit     | AdoptOpenJDK 1.8.212 (or later updates on 1.8.x) |
      |                              | 64 bit                                           |
      | Access Gateway               | AdoptOpenJDK 1.8.212 (or later updates on 1.8.x) |
      |                              | 64bit                                            |

   which will end of life " at least May 2026"

   Release Roadmap

     |       | First Availability | Latest Release | Next Release | End of Availability |
     | Java  | March 2014         | jdk8u242-b08   | jdk8u252     | At Least May 2026   |
     | 8     |                    | 14th January   | 14th April   |                     |
     | (LTS) |                    | 2020           | 2020         |                     |


   As per the following notice, all future component testing and
   development will be done using AdoptOpenJDK :

     Announcement regarding Layer7 SiteMinder support for AdoptOpenJdk

     "We currently plan that any and all future testing of all SiteMinder components, with a
      dependency on Java, no matter what version they are, will be executed with AdoptOpenJDK"


   As such, we invite you to use AdoptOpenJDK 1.8 for your different
   component above.