CA 1 Tape Management - using correctly subpool
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CA 1 Tape Management - using correctly subpool


Article ID: 191182


Updated On:


CA 1 Flexible Storage CA 1 Tape Management - Copycat Utility CA 1 Tape Management - Add-On Options


Wants to ensure that a specific range of tapes are used  for one particular application 


Release : 14.0

Component : CA 1 Tape Management


TMONSMnn member is used assign a scratch subpool.
Valid parameters you can specify are:


For details please see "Scratch Pool Management Definition":Scratch Pool Management Definition

Since pattern masking can be used with the DSN for example, may be you can find a specific pattern for your datasets . Or you may consider assign the data sets a specific MGMTCLAS (based on the PGM), which then can be specified. Be sure CA 1 SMS option is set to EXT, so that the true MGMTCLAS from allocation is retrieved.

The hlq.CTAPOPTN(TMOOPTxx) SMS parameter has the following options:
-YES  = Enables CA 1 Tape Management System to record and use an SMS Management Class that the SMS ACS routines assigned.
-EXT = CA 1 Tape Management System obtains the true SMS Management Class during open-for-output processing. If the device is SMS-managed, then CA 1 Tape Management System records and uses the SMS     Management Class that the SMS ACS routines assigned. If the device is not SMS-managed and no SMS Management Class is assigned during allocation, CA 1 Tape Management System drives its own call to obtain an SMS Management Class.
-NO = (Default) Disables the option.

Additional Information

Please note: CA 1 Tape Management System scratch subpooling is not supported in the IBM ATL and VTS Tape Library Data Server. 
CA 1 scratch subpooling is based on mount messages. The original IBM mount message is intercepted and a TMS00n mount message is issued containing the scratch subpool name instead of PRIVAT or SCRTCH. Since the IBM library is driven by SMS and not by mount message, CA 1 scratch subpooling can not be used to assign a scratch pool.