How to Update Sequence Numbers for States
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How to Update Sequence Numbers for States


Article ID: 191169


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CA Harvest Software Change Manager CA Harvest Software Change Manager - OpenMake Meister


I right click on a state, select “Copy”, then right click on the project and select “Paste” to create a new state in my project.

My new list of states shows 2 states with the same sequence number:

How can I reset the sequence numbers for the states so that each has a unique number again?


Release : 12.6 and up

Component : CA Harvest Software Change Manager


The solution is to right click on the project name, go to Properties and select the “State Order” tab.  Select any state and use the arrow buttons to move it up or down in the list, then click the “Apply” button.

When the “Apply” button is selected, the list is resequenced and the duplicate state number is eliminated.