CA View - SARGRW not writing output
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CA View - SARGRW not writing output


Article ID: 191147


Updated On:


Deliver View


The client requested Job information, via the SARGRW program of CA View, however there was no output written.


Release : 14.0

Component : CA View


The fields that the client requested in their SARGRW program would come from Job index records, created with use of SARINIT JOBMODE=YES.

The client had a setting of JOBMODE=NO, so those index records were not being generated.

The client changed the setting to JOBMODE=YES and obtained the desired SARGRW results.

The only entries which would show SARGRW results would be for those reports that were collected after the setting to JOBMODE=YES and that the setting would not be retroactive, as reports collected prior to that would not have that information available.