How can Spectrum online backup - olb - be run from command line?
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How can Spectrum online backup - olb - be run from command line?


Article ID: 191120


Updated On:


CA Spectrum DX NetOps


We have a need to launch Spectrum olb - online backup from command line while the SS is still running.  How can this be done?


Release: All Supported Releases

Component : SPCCSS - Spectrum Core / SpectroSERVER



This is controlled by the BackupNow attribute on the OnlineBackup model.  Using CLI, you can change the BackupNow attribute to True, which will execute the online backup. When Spectrum finishes the backup, the BackupNow attribute will change back to False.

Here is an example:

Login to CLI (Command Line Interface) as Spectrum Install Owner account:


# ./connect

# ./show models | grep OnLineBackup

0x8000008   OnLineBackup                      0x10403     OnLineBackup


# ./update mh=0x8000008 attr=0x11a6d,val=TRUE
Id            Name                  Iid               Value
0x11a6d       BackupNow                               TRUE

Note: mh=0x8000008 is just an example, supply the model_handle of the OnLineBackup application from your environment.

Note: TRUE/FALSE is in CLI and Yes/No in OneClick Console.

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