Endevor Package Ship - fails SCIC000I Connect:Direct - RC=00000008
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Endevor Package Ship - fails SCIC000I Connect:Direct - RC=00000008


Article ID: 191103


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Endevor Endevor Natural Integration Endevor - ECLIPSE Plugin Endevor - Enterprise Workbench


We have been able to ship relatively small packages without problems.   A test of a larger package was attempted (71 elements, 111 outputs to be shipped).

The C1BMXNDM step got RC=8 with the following messages:

SCIC000I Connect:Direct - RC=00000008 MSG=SPQL005I NODE=STG.MVSD         @ 14:05

   SHORT TEXT => SPQL005I Process exceeds TCQ capacity                         

    LONG TEXT => The submitted process would take more than 43                 

                 CIs in the TCQ.                                               


                 The submit request is rejected.                               


                  SYSTEM ACTION:  Processing Continues.                        


                 RESPONSE: The TCQ CISIZE must be increased to hold a          

                           process of this size.  A COLD start must be         

                           performed when the TCQ CISIZE is changed.   


Release : 18.0

Component : CA Endevor Software Change Manager


Limitation is in IBM's product Connect Direct