One of the gateways in production cluster not starting up during restart
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One of the gateways in production cluster not starting up during restart


Article ID: 191044


Updated On:


CA API Gateway API SECURITY CA API Gateway Precision API Monitoring Module for API Gateway (Layer 7) CA API Gateway Enterprise Service Manager (Layer 7) STARTER PACK-7 CA Microgateway


One of the gateways in production cluster not starting up during restart.  With error regarding cluster members.


Release : 9.0

Component : API GATEWAY


1) schedule an outage.
2) As a safety net on primary db node o a
#mysqldump ssg > /somefile/sompath.sql
*** When you have a valid complete backup.
3) stop ssg on both primary and secondary.
# service ssg start
4) on primary db
# mysql ssg
mysql> delete from cluster_info;
5) start ssg
# service ssg start 

*** Note: cluster_info should automatically re-populate at restart of services.