View - SARPAM24 Condition and Reports in OPEN Status
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View - SARPAM24 Condition and Reports in OPEN Status


Article ID: 191000


Updated On:


Deliver View


The client had a report that filled up their View database. The report was being written directly to the View database from Deliver. The report(s) in question showed a Location of OPEN, showing 0 lines and 0 pages.


The client had a condition of a report being in OPEN condition as a report had been collected incompletely.

A SARPAM24 message indicates that a View database became full during a direct-write of a report from Deliver.

The SARPAM24 message will display in the SARSTC task and in the application job(s) generating the report(s) to go straight to View.

If the SARPAM24 condition is not alleviated by the addition of database space, or by cancelling of the job generating the output, application jobs could result in a S522 timeout abend.


The problem was with a "runaway" report .

Followe the below process to fix this issue:
. Cancelled the running jobs.
. Performed a Clean-Backup-Clean sequence, on the OPEN reports.
. Deleted the resulting incomplete reports.
. Issued a "DD" on reports that were, in PERM status, to remove more matter from the disk layer.
. Reran the jobs that had been cancelled with timeout.