Rally - Users appear to be incorrectly marked as Workspace Admin in the user list
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Rally - Users appear to be incorrectly marked as Workspace Admin in the user list


Article ID: 190985


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Rally On-Premise Rally SaaS


When running a report to show users that are Workspace Administrator, some users are showing as Workspace Administrators in the list even though further investigation doesn't seem to show them as being a workspace administrator of any workspaces. 


This can be caused when the user is a workspace administrator of a closed workspace, or the user running the query does not have permissions to the workspace where that user is actually a workspace administrator.
This can also be caused when the user is the Workspace Administrator for a different Workspace than what is being viewed.


If the user is a workspace administrator of a workspace that has been closed, it will be necessary to reopen the closed workspace to remove their workspace administrator permission if it is desired to clean up this permission.

This can also occur if the user is a workspace administrator of a workspace that is not being viewed.

One way to identify the workspaces that this user has admin access to is for a subscription administrator to query the API directly by replacing the username in the query as follows:

https://rally1.rallydev.com/slm/webservice/v2.0/workspacepermission?fetch=true&query=((Role = Admin) AND (User.Name = <user>@<company.com>))

This will display all of the workspaces that this user has access to.  It may be necessary to format the resulting JSON in a JSON formatter.

The resulting output will show the Workspace names in the Workspace sub-object.

Additional Information

 A similar situation can occur for Project Administrators.  The following query can be run by a subscription administrator to help identify those closed projects after replacing [email protected] with an actual username:

https://rally1.rallydev.com/slm/webservice/v2.0/ProjectPermissions?fetch=true&(((Role = Admin) AND (Project.State = Closed)) AND (User.UserName = <user>@<company.com>))