IEFC601I INVALID JCL STATEMENT occurs for proc with instream data if the UJV exit for CA 11 is installed
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IEFC601I INVALID JCL STATEMENT occurs for proc with instream data if the UJV exit for CA 11 is installed


Article ID: 190946


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IEFC601I INVALID JCL STATEMENT occurs for proc with  instream data if CA 11's UJV exit is installed.
The work around to avoid this error is to add  a step before the first use of a proc with instream data


Release : 11.0

Component : CA-11


If the optional CA 11 UJV exit is installed, error message IEFC601I INVALID JCL STATEMENT occurs for a proc with the instream data.  The work around to avoid the JCL error is to add  a step (such as an IEFBR14 step) before the first use of a proc with instream data . IBM code counts the instream datasets correctly and the JCL error no longer occurs.
See example below:

//         MSGLEVEL=(1,1),TIME=1440,REGION=0M                   
//HELLO     PROC                                                
//STEPA        EXEC  PGM=IEBGENER                                  
//SYSIN        DD    DUMMY                                         
//SYSPRINT     DD    SYSOUT=A                                      
//SYSUT2       DD    SYSOUT=A                                      
//SYSUT1       DD    *
HELLO WORLD                                                     
//          PEND   
//STEP1  EXEC PGM=IEFBR14                <- Add this step 

As always, please contact Broadcom support for Workload Automation Restart Option for z/OS Schedulers if you have further questions.