CaView Can Database be mixed with SMS and NON-SMS volumes?
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CaView Can Database be mixed with SMS and NON-SMS volumes?


Article ID: 190907


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Deliver View


We have CA-View 12.2 under z/OS 2.3 and using NON-SMS volumes for databases.
Today was needed to add 2 new Databases to SAR and While running SARDBASE to place 2 new databases, 2 SMS volumes were picked up.
Now, we have 12 databases of which 9 are in NON-SMS volumes and 2 are in SMS volumes. 

is there any problem to have databases allocated in the NON-SMS and SMS volumes ? 


Release : 12.2

Component : CA View


There is no impact of having extents for the database on SMS managed volumes and other extents on non-SMS managed volumes. The ADDDS statement would be different when creating the extent based on the type of DASD.