U00022023 No associated window can be found for process
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U00022023 No associated window can be found for process


Article ID: 190792


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CA Automic Workload Automation - Automation Engine CA Automic One Automation


When starting a newly installed RAFTP agent on my new server, we are getting the following errors on the Service Manager:

20200513/141600.930 - U00022019 Client statement: process 'FTP' should be started.
20200513/141600.930 - U00022031 Client data: User '<Automic User>' of computer '<CompterName>'.
20200513/141600.930 - U00022004 Starting process 'FTP' ...
20200513/141600.930 - U00022005 ... with command line  'java -jar -Xmx256M E:\Automic\ServiceManager\bin\..\..\Agents\RAFTP\bin\ucxjcitx.jar disable_cache'.
20200513/141600.930 - U00022006 ... and start directory  'E:\Automic\ServiceManager\bin\..\..\Agents\sql\bin'.
20200513/141600.992 - U00022021 Logon of user '<username.' to domain '' successful.
20200513/141601.024 - U00022007 Process 'FTP' (ID '7840') successfully started.
20200513/141621.088 - U00022023 No associated window can be found for process 'FTP'.
20200513/141621.088 - U00022012 Process 'FTP' (ID '7840') ended.
20200513/141621.088 - U00022022 Process 'FTP' ended, exit code='555'.


Release : 12.3



The problem was the Service Manager's startpath was pointing to the wrong agent:

The FTP Agent was starting with:
  • 'java -jar -Xmx256M E:\Automic\ServiceManager\bin\..\..\Agents\RAFTP\bin\ucxjcitx.jar disable_cache'
but the start directory was:
  • 'E:\Automic\ServiceManager\bin\..\..\Agents\sql\bin'.
Automic Admin updated it to the following, which resolved the problem:
  • 'E:\Automic\ServiceManager\bin\..\..\Agents\RAFTP\bin'.

Additional Information

Ultimately the problem is some type of PATH problem to our actual binaries -> so please double check all PATH's are correct