WCC - AutoSys Web Server Validation Failed - E190098 PKIX path building failed
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WCC - AutoSys Web Server Validation Failed - E190098 PKIX path building failed


Article ID: 190789


Updated On:


CA Workload Automation AE - Scheduler (AutoSys) Autosys Workload Automation


After updating the AutoSys Web Server to use a CA-signed certificate, the AutoSys server will no longer validate in WCC. The following error is displayed when attempting the validation:

Error: E190098 ACE (web services validation) - A connection exception was encountered: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target.


Workload Automation AutoSys


After changing the AutoSys Web Server certificate from the default self-signed certificate to a CA-signed certificate, the new certificate must be imported into the WCC/WebUI keystore.


  • Access the Web Server URL using a browser from your local browser: https://web_server_host.example.com:9443/AEWS/application.wadl
  • Provide valid credentials for the Web Server and to see the WADL xml content
  • Use the browser-specific method for viewing the certificate and then click on the "Details" tab (Usually its clicking on the padlock next to the URL on the left side of the URL)
  • Click on the "Copy to File" button to save the certificate to a file to the local machine (use the Base64  format)
  • Upload the above saved file to a temporary directory on your WCC server
  • Login to the WCC server and stop the WCC services
  • Change Directory to <WCC_INSTALL_DIRECTORY>/data/config and make a backup of the .keystore file
  • Go to <WCC_INSTALL_DIRECTORY>/jre/bin and run the following command...
    ./keytool -import -trustcacerts -file <certificate_file> -keystore  WCC_INSTALL_LOCATION/data/config/.keystore

    Note: <certificate_file> will be the path and file name of the copied certificate file from above.
  • Restart WCC services.