Modifications in Custom User Clarity PPM Views.
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Modifications in Custom User Clarity PPM Views.


Article ID: 190715


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Clarity PPM SaaS


A couple of weeks ago a process of changes was carried out within the subsections section, in specific objects, restoring by default the personalized view of the users to the default view of the tool. Will this happen every time changes are made to an object?




Publishing Views
- When publishing an object, it will refresh all users projects list, filtered searches and anything else associated with the object.
- There is no way to prevent the Publish function overwrite personalized Views and Filters.

Please refer to the following PPM Community pages and TechDocs for more information:
- CA Clarity Tuesday Tip - When to use the 'Publish' button
- Publishing Views
- (Optional) Apply Changes to Object Views

Restoring the saved users personal views
- There is no way in Clarity to restore the saved users personal views other than Xog out/in.
- If you Xog out the Views, it will include standard view as well as the users personalized views.
- The output of the Xog may become quite large in data size and you will need to review the output file closely to check which information is needed and run the Xog in again to restore only the users personal view.

For this type of Xogging activity we recommend referring to the PPM community
- Avoid overwriting user's custom view when publishing new view
- Query to return which users have adjusted their views