The Resource Allocations and Assignments report shows discrepancies for NPIOs
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The Resource Allocations and Assignments report shows discrepancies for NPIOs


Article ID: 190601


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Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


When looking to the Resource Allocations and Assignments report there are discrepancies for NPIOs (Non Project Investment Objects): other work, services, applications.
The allocation data and assignment data in future months do not match and we do not know why.
When looking in Clarity PPM, the report data matches what we see in the Team Detail view.
The difference can be seen under the Unused-Allocation field.
Allocation value = (Assignment value +Unused-Allocation value)

1. Create an Other Work instance and add a resource to the team
2. Go to the Team Details view and have a look to the TSV field

3. The Team member allocation data can be seen
4, Open the Resource profile and go to the calendar tab
5. Mark a working day as non working day

6. Note the Resource availability for this resource (10 hours a day)

7. Go back to the Team Detail view

Actual Results: The Unused Allocation field has been populated with the reduced availability for the day we marked as non working day.


Changes have been made to the Resource Calendar after the resource has been allocated to the Other Work instance. 


This is working as design:
Unused Allocation is calculated directly from the curve usage fields, and not from the time slices.

The report now shows the initially created allocation data against he assignment data (Allocation value minus the Unused Allocation value)
If exceptionally, a shift is modified on a given calendar day: lets reduce 2 hours of a given day shift. These two hours will be added to the unused allocation value.
Any changes done to the resource calendar once the team member has been allocated will reflect as unused allocation 

If allocation and assignment data needs to be reset in sync, then:

Go to the investment team tab, select the affected team member and run the Estimate from Allocation action 

The assignment data will now be updated based on the allocation

The Estimate from Allocation action can also be run globally via a job:

Update Estimates from Allocation by running it against different types of investments.

Additional Information

If there are multiple resources team members/NPIOs affected, a way to force the recalculation would be:

Go to Administration > Project Management > Base Calendars

Select the calendar the resources are linked to.

Go to a future month and make a working day as non working day.

Run the Time Slicing job.

Reset the calendar as originally was

Run the Time Slicing job again