Looking for a specific Endevor Target Symbolics
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Looking for a specific Endevor Target Symbolics


Article ID: 190600


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Trying to locate a specific Endevor symbol name.  Specifically, a symbol for the Target Stage for a Move, Add, or Generate action.
The manual has a good number of examples for the Source Stage of a Move, Add, or Generate action, but not for the Target Stage.




Release : All Suported Releases



The symbols in italics beginning with &C1S in the following list should be used only for the source location of Move or Transfer actions made using the move/generate processor.

The symbols in italics beginning with &C1T in the following list should be used only for the target location of Move or Transfer actions made using the move/generate processor.

For all other actions that execute a generate processor and actions that execute a delete processor, CA Endevor SCM assigns these symbols the same values as those assigned to the corresponding symbol beginning with &C1.

&C1STAGE1 (&C1TSTAGE1) (&C1ST1) (8)   Stage 1 name. This symbol must be used for the target stage name for a MOVE action.

&C1STAGE2 (&C1TSTAGE2) (&C1ST2) (8)  Stage 2 name. This symbol must be used for the target stage name for a MOVE action.  

&C1STGID (&C1TSTGID) (&C1SI) (1)  ID of the current stage.

&C1STGID1 (&C1TSTGID1) (&C1SI1) (1)  Stage 1 ID. This symbol must be used for the target stage ID for a MOVE action.

&C1STGID2 (&C1TSTGID2) (&C1SI2) (1)  Stage 2 ID. This symbol must be used for the target stage ID for a MOVE action.

&C1STGNUM (&C1TSTGNUM) (&C1S#) (1)   Number of the current stage.


For more information on processor symbolics you can reference the manual.