CA View - Steps to Merge Two View Repositories to One
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CA View - Steps to Merge Two View Repositories to One


Article ID: 190368


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Deliver View


The client will be retiring an LPAR, so they want to merge the contents of a View database from that LPAR, with the contents of a View database on another LPAR.
In the database from the retiring LPAR, all reports are to be loaded to disk.


Release : 14.0

Component : CA View


As the client wants to merge one View database with another, to move all reports on the source database to disk, then back them up to new tape in the new database, there would be use of the following:

1) Stop all CA View components, on the source database (View, DRAS, etc.).
     Run SARPAC with PARM=REPORT to get a list of all tapes in use on source database.

2) Run SARTDR with a /TLOAD for each tape to restore all reports to disk on source database.
3) Run SARTSLST to get a set of /DELETE statements, for each active report.
4) Edit the /DELETE statements, changing to "/CHANGE BACKUP=OFF ...".
5) Use this edited set of /CHANGE statements as input to SARBCH to mark all reports as "not on tape".
6) Run SARDBASE RENAME on the source database, to provide an interim name for it.
7) Run SARDBASE UNLOAD on the source database, to an interim file for transmission.
8) Transmit the UNLOADed interim file to a target system.

9) Stop all CA View components on the target system.

10) Run SARDBASE UNLOAD on the target database, to an interim file.
11) Run SARDBASE ADDDS (DATA and INDEX), to define a new repository for the output for the MERGE.
12) Run SARDBASE MERGE, using input of the source and target databases, loading to the newly-definted repository.
13) Run SARDBASE RENAME, to rename the target database to another name.
      Run SARDBASE RENAME, to rename the merged database to the target name.
14) Run SARDBASE to SET STATS and STATUS, for ST command to function.
15) Run SARINIT, with only the NAME=... card, on the target database. Review and adjust parameters as needed. 
16) Start the View tasks.
17) Run a View backup.
18) Run SARPAC to consolidate tapes.