VA scan was conducted on ITCM and it was highlighted that there was a vulnerability on SSL RC4 Cipher Suites Supported (Bar Mitzvah) on tcp port 5500 and 3389.
The remote host supports the use of RC4 in one or more cipher suites.The RC4 cipher is flawed in its generation of a pseudo-random stream of bytes so that a wide variety of small biases are introduced into the stream, decreasing its randomness. Notice that if plain text is repeatedly encrypted (e.g., HTTP cookies), and an attacker is able to obtain many (i.e., tens of millions) cipher texts, the attacker may be able to derive the plain text.
Is it recommend to configure and use TLS 1.2 with AES-GCM Suites to avoid the usage of RC4 ciphers in ITCM Devices.
Release : 14.0 SP2
Recommended solution is to Enable TLS 1.2 on all systems and disable 1.1 and 1.0 on all devices.