Changing the PAM Session Recording NFS mapping.
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Changing the PAM Session Recording NFS mapping.


Article ID: 190283


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CA Privileged Access Manager (PAM)


If I use a particular NFS mapping from PAM to store the session recordings, is it safe to change it to another drive?
If I copy the existing session recording files from the old drive to the new drive will PAM recognize the files? 
Will PAM be able to replay these files from the new drive?
Will PAM be able to save the new session recordings to the new drive?


Product: Layer 7 Privileged Access Manager.
Version: 3.X , 4.0.X


It is safe to change the current NFS mapping and use a different one to store the Session Recordings at any moment.
You can copy the existing recorded sessions there and PAM will be able to play them back without problem.
The new session recordings will be saved to the new mapping without issues.