Using the SMP/E ISPF Panels to find PTF/APAR (fix) details
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Using the SMP/E ISPF Panels to find PTF/APAR (fix) details


Article ID: 19026


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Datacom Datacom/AD Datacom/DB


The SMP/E ISPF application is a tool that lets you easily check or verify if a fix is installed in an SMP/E environment. As an ISPF application, it is a package with panels, messages and programs like any ISPF dialog. You can use this application to see

  • Identity information for a PTF or APAR (called a fix or solution)
  • Whether a fix is installed or accepted
  • What subprogram/module (CSECT) it changes
  • What load module is affected
  • What target library holds the load module
  • Install date and time stamps


This article applies to any SMP/E maintained product.


To begin, you will need to identify where the SMP/E application is launched in your ISPF environment. You will also need to know the SMP/E CSI dataset for the product you are using.

  1. Launch the SMP/E application within ISPF.
  2. Specify option 3 to perform a Query and specify the CSI dataset for the product.
  3. Specify option 2 to perform a Cross-Zone query.
  4. Specify the entry type and entry name. A fix is known to SMP/E as a SYSMOD, so specify SYSMOD as the type and the fix number (i.e. RO12345) as the name.
  5. This displays a panel showing the zones of that SMP/E environment (CSI), identifies the type of SYSMOD, the owning FMID, the STATUS within the zone, date/time stamps of when installed within the zone, and whether the fix has been reworked. An '*' (asterisk) under TYPE means there is no entry for that zone, indicating that fix is not installed in that zone. The TYPE for a fix is usually a PTF or APAR (other values are FUNCTION or USERMOD). FMID identifies the owning function (product or component). STATUS identifies if the fix is installed in the zone, and also identifies the type of zone; REC (received) is for a global zone, APP (applied) is for a target zone, and ACC (accepted) is for a distribution zone. A status of SUP means the fix has been superseded by another fix.
  6. Select the target zone to see additional details for applied fixes. Information here includes prerequisite (PRE) fixes (if any), any fixes superseded (SUP) by this fix, if this fix is attached to any source IDs, and the elements this fix impacts. The element can be a MOD (module/CSECT), MAC (macro), SRC (source), or other less common types. If the status is SUP, the selected zone screen will identify the superseding fix after SUPBY.

This is how to know if the fix is installed and what the status is for any zone. There may be situations where you may want more information, like which target library contains the MAC or SRC element, or in the case of a MOD, which load module and target library. For a MOD or LMOD (load module) you will want to make note of the MOD and get back to the Cross-Zone Query screen (items 3 and 4 from above).

  1. Specify MOD as the type for a module/CSECT and the module name (which was identified when looking at the fix/SYSMOD).
  2. This gives the summary screen of which zones contain the MOD element. The RMID (Replacement Modification IDentifier) column identifies the fix that last replaced the module/element. If there has been no fix to replace the module, then the RMID is the owning FMID that originally installed the module/element. Select the target zone for more information.
  3. The MOD Entry screen identifies the LMOD(s) that contains the module/CSECT.
  4. Go back to the Cross-Zone Query screen and this time specify the type as LMOD and the entry name is the LMOD identified in item 3.
  5. Select the target zone and this identifies the link-edit parameters and the target library (SYSLIB) of where the fix is installed. If you want or need to know, enter "L" on the command line to see the specific link-edit data.

Note that all of this information tells you the status of a fix within the product/component SMP/E environment. Knowing the MOD (CSECT) and LMOD can be useful if you need to continue on to verify if a fix is implemented in the system run time environment.

Additional Information

As always, please contact Broadcom support for your product if you have further questions.