Jaspersoft Studio Professional license key
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Jaspersoft Studio Professional license key


Article ID: 190202


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CA Identity Manager CA Identity Governance CA Identity Portal CA Identity Suite DX NetOps CA Service Operations Insight (SOI)


We recently installed Jaspersoft Report Server in our Identity Manager environment and have been trying to get the reports customized as we want them. 

I'm realizing that there is a Jaspersoft Studio component that allows for report editing.  


Jaspersoft Studio is not supported or QA-tested with Identity Manager. We do not ship or provide Studio downloads so you will need to obtain Studio on your own. Contact TIBCO or the JasperSoft community for information on obtaining Jaspersoft Studio

If you obtain Jaspersoft Studio it will require the license from your Report Server. Check the location below on your report server for the license. 


Note: We do not certify that the license we include with CABI Jaspersoft Report Server is compatible with the Studio. Please contact your TIBCO support for additional assistance.