CALCSIZE is a Datacom utility program that helps in calculating the Coupling Facility (CF) resource requirements for a MUFPlex structure, using DBMXMPR and DBMXEPR macros.
The utility could fail because of a S0C1 abend in module CALCSIZE . In the job SYSPRINT, the following message could be found:
Datacom 15.1
CALCSIZE prints the message in SYSPRINT when the IBM IXLCSP macro returns a non zero return code in register 15 (R15).
Check Register 0 (zero - R0) to find the reason code of the error.
The registers values can be found on the SYMPTOM DUMP for the S0C1 abend.
For example:
SYSTEM COMPLETION CODE=0C1 REASON CODE=00000001 TIME=17.35.43 SEQ=00545 CPU=0000 ASID=001A PSW AT TIME OF ERROR 078D0000 8DF000D2 ILC 2 INTC 01 ACTIVE LOAD MODULE ADDRESS=0DF00000 OFFSET=000000D2 NAME=CALCSIZE DATA AT PSW 0DF000CC - 5800B3D8 0000D203 B3E8B738 GR 0: 00000000_02120C98 1: 00000000_0DF003A0 2: 00000000_00000040 3: 00000000_008DA9D4 4: 00000000_008DA9B0 5: 00000000_008FF130 6: 00000000_008C7FC8 7: 00000000_FD000000 8: 00000000_008D6A18 9: 00000000_008D88F0 A: 00000000_00000000 B: 00000000_8DF00000 C: 00000000_83C13022 D: 00000000_0DF005CC E: 00000000_8DF000C8 F: 7FFABA00_0000000C END OF SYMPTOM DUMP
In this case the return code (R15) is x'0000000C' and the reason code (R0) is x'02120C98'.
The complete description of the return and reason codes can be found in chapter "IXLCSP -- XES Structure Computation Service" in the IBM manual "MVS Programming: Sysplex Services Reference".
The most common reason is a misspelled or a non defined Coupling Facility (CF) structure name in parameter CFNAME in the DBMXEPR macro; in this case, R15 (return code) is set to x'C' and R0 (reason code) contains x'xxxx0C98', as in the above example.
However, the same R15/R0 pair can be returned if the Coupling Facility hardware is not installed or if another CF problem occurred.
See the IBM documentation for additional details.
For more information regarding a Datacom MUFplex see Parallel Sysplex, Data Sharing (MUFplex)