need assistance with user audit
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need assistance with user audit


Article ID: 190115


Updated On:


CA Harvest Software Change Manager CA Harvest Software Change Manager - OpenMake Meister


Need to have representation of users logged in currently or at peak. Query against DB only shows last logged in. Is there a way to represent logoff time in query?


Release : 12.6, 13.x, 14.x

Component : CA Harvest Software Change Manager


Currently, there is no table/view you can view/select to see the logout time of a user login. The only log-out info is in the broker log file, and somehow, you would need to read/sort to get the logout time. There are some unsupported scripts that can monitor the user login/out. For example, HLoginMon

TECH TIP: HLoginMon utility (Realtime Harvest Login Monitor - now with hdbgctrl interface and email alerts)

As you may already be aware, with the action "Login user" and its event time, you could report on HARAUDITLOGVIEW to see who logs in at a certain time, how many users logged in during a certain time period, etc.