How can I determine the number of flows per minute entering a Harvester by looking at the size of the files in the ReaperInput directory?
Steps on how to determine a rough estimate of the raw flows per minute that the CA NFA Reaper Service is trying to process:
RDP into the Harvester and navigate to the <Install Directory>\CA\NFA\Netflow\datafiles\ReaperInput directory and check the size of the *.tbn files in this directory.
If the Reaper is keeping up, you may need to stop the CA NFA Reaper in order to capture the file as these files should normally process quickly.
Take the size of the file in bytes and divide by 64 and this will give a rough estimate of the flows per minute on the Harvester.
For example if you have a 1GB tbn file which is 1073741824 bytes divided by 64 equals roughly 16,777,216 flows per minute.
In that scenario your Reaper Service will have a difficult time keeping up with the incoming data and could lead to your drive filling up and you will see a delay in data when looking at report data.