Transfer a user minidisk
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Transfer a user minidisk


Article ID: 190040


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VM:Secure for z/VM


I have just been made Sys Admin for our VMSECURE product (prev Sys Admin .. retired) and I want to remove the prior sys admin user id from the system , but want to keep the minidisks the user had in tact.
I would want to access these minidisks under my user ID.

VM:Secure documentation indicates I can issue a transfer command to accomplish this..
ex. vmsecure transfer roberts 191 nicks 795
Q1. Will I have to update nicks user in the VMSecure directory to reflect the 795 disk?
Q2. What else should i prepare to do for this transfer?
Q3 Or, is this not the best approach to to accomplish this task?


Release : 3.2

Component : CA VM:Secure for z/VM


Use command VMSECURE TRANSFER to transfer minidisks from the old SysAdmin ID.
TRANSFER will transfer ownership of a minidisk from one user ID to another, or, change just the virtual address of a minidisk.
And, VM:Secure automatically updates all directory links to the old minidisk to point to the new minidisk.

You may also want to look at using VMSECURE ASSIGN that can be used to assign a USER or IDENTITY entry to a new directory manager.

Additional Information

VMSECURE TRANSFER command documented at: