MOI Appliance Health Metric Monitoring - STORAGE_DATA
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MOI Appliance Health Metric Monitoring - STORAGE_DATA


Article ID: 189979


Updated On:


Mainframe Operational Intelligence


The MOI appliance is comprised of three LVM's that are allocated at the time that the appliance is installed.   If the used storage percentage is not monitored, the MOI appliance could run out of storage and shutdown metric data processing.   The steps to set up email notifications as the used storage percentage hits preset thresholds of 70%, 80%, and 90% used are documented here.   These notifications will keep the customer from having to manually check the appliance to insure that enough space is still available for metric data flow. 


Release : 2.0




MOI Appliance Health Metric  Monitoring  -   STORAGE_DATA

In general, MOI appliance health metrics allows you to monitor the health of the appliance components by sending email alert notifications to configured email recipients. These email notifications apply for all the health monitoring related metrics of CA Mainframe Operational Intelligence that are documented under the Administrating topic in the MOI Product documentation.

This Knowledge document covers setting up the STORAGE_DATA appliance health metric rules  to provide email warnings to specified administrators when the percentage of storage usage is reaching critical levels.   Note that the STORAGE_DATA metric is checked every 10 minutes to see if an email notifications needs to be sent.  

Follow these steps:

  1. To invoke the ISPF application, execute CAAE.




  1. Select 

0 - Prepare

 to review your appliance settings, then press Enter. Press PF3 to go back to the         main menu.

  1. Select

 1 Install

 to go to the Hosts panel and select your host. Then, press Enter.

  1. Select 

4 - Notifications.


1 - Configuration File.

  1. Verify the values displayed for your Configuration File parameters and if everything is correct, please press PF3 to exit the Configuration File panel


  1. If the values have NOT been entered, specify the following parameters, and then press Enter.



Email Enable

Enable or disable the email notification feature. Enter 


 to enable email or 


 to disable email

Hostname or IP Address

Specifies the host name or IP address of your email server

Port Number

Specifies the port number of your email server

User Name

Specifies the user name that is used to log in to the SMTP server


Specifies the password that is used to log in to the SMTP server

Sender Name

Specifies the name of the sender of the email.

We recommend that you set this field as "Alert Service from 

CA Mainframe Operational Intelligence


Sender Email ID

Specifies the sender email account

Bounce Email ID

Specifies the bounce email account

TLS On Connect

Encrypts the connection between mail server and the client.



 to enable TLS on connect, or enter


 to disable TLS On Connect

Group Email

Sends an email to the group of recipients at once

Multiple recipients receive emails individually, or the recipients can be grouped

in the ‘To’ address to send an email.



 to send an email to a group.

Data Service Connector URL

For Data Service Connector URL, specify the following based on whether you

 use TLS Security in CA Mainframe Operational Intelligence




  • If TLS Security is NOT  being used in CA Mainframe

Operational Intelligence

, then use http://dataservice:7160

  • If TLS Security IS  being used in CA Mainframe

Operational Intelligence

, then use https://dataservice:7161

In both cases, the host portion of the URL ("dataservice")

 is a hard-coded constant, not a variable unique to your installation.


Minutes to Suppress Identical Alerts

Specify how long (in minutes) you would like to suppress identical alerts.

This parameter reduces the 'noise' of alerts. If you enter 15 minutes, you

receive an alert for the first incident and you do not receive an alert if

 the same alert is triggered within the 15-minute period.







2 - List to Notify, 1 - Import default CSV from Samplib if you have NOT already created the notification list.  You will lose any updates that you have made to the notification list if you import the Samplib member.    If you have already created your notification list, please ONLY select option 2 - Edit CSV file

, and press Enter.

By modifying  the CSV file, you can specify metric health alerts that are emailed to a specific email address.  

Email Metric Health Alert example:

To send email notifications, use the following format below the column heading  line for the notification rule in the CSV file:

In this CSV file example, an email is sent to email id [email protected] when a low severity alert or higher severity alert occurs i.e. medium or high severity alert occurs for the metric STORAGE_DATA.   


STORAGE_DATA,low,email:[email protected]



In this CSV file example, an email is sent to email id [email protected] when only a high severity alert occurs for the specified metric.  Low and medium severity alerts will not be sent with this rule.


STORAGE_DATA,high,email:[email protected]


Sample medium or severity 2 email notification  that would be received if LVM:data1 had reached the 80% - 89% allocated storage used threshold:


Alert Severity Medium - z/OS System > LVM:data1 > STORAGE_DATA

Metric Name:





z/OS System > LVM:data1 > STORAGE_DATA


 The Logical Volume Management (LVM) storage space at z/OS System > LVM:data1 > STORAGE_DATA  is running out of space.


 2018-10-15 11:15: PM

Suggested Solution:

 Check if the storage for z/OS System > LVM:data1 > STORAGE_DATA is allocated as per recommendation.  If storage is allocated as per recommendation, clear the cache and add more storage capacity.

There are additional MOI appliance email health metric notifications that are available to set notification rules for.  These are listed along with a description in the latest Broadcom Support MOI Product Documentation under the Administrating/ Monitor CA Mainframe Operational Intelligence Metrics Health topic.

After you have entered all notification rules in the .csv file, press enter and then press PF3 to save the .csv file.


  1. Select 

8 – Deploy

           1 -  Deploy Property Files

                      Then, press Enter.            

                      This option should return a successfully deployed message.

  1. Select from the Main ISPF MLSS Menu

2  – Manage

     to go to the Hosts panel and select your host. Then, press Enter.

       9 – Advanced Commands

           12 -  Update

                      1 – Resend

                                 Then, press Enter.            


The Resend  process will transfer  the Notification Configuration File and   the .CSV file down on the appliance.

If  MOI PTF SO11709 – Dynamically update email notification configuration has already been applied to your MOI installation,  wait approximately three  minutes and your Configuration File and  .CSV changes will have been picked up automatically and put into effect   NO REBOOT IS REQUIRED FOR .CSV CHANGES WITH THIS PTF APPLIED!

If MOI PTF SO11709 has NOT been applied to MOI installation yet, then perform the appliance reboot as shown below to put the changes in effect once all the appliance microservices display a healthy status.

           2 -  Reboot              

                       Then, press Enter.

                       Your .CSV updates will be in effect once all microservices are running and healthy.   



Additional Information

This Knowledge Doc applies to CA Mainframe Operational Intelligence Release 2.0.05 and later releases.