Incorrectly invoking Sysview for Db2 r19 version while accessing the r20 version
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Incorrectly invoking Sysview for Db2 r19 version while accessing the r20 version


Article ID: 189951


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SYSVIEW Performance Management Option for DB2 for z/OS


After upgrading Sysview Performance Management Option for Db2 for z/OS (IDB2) from r19 to r20, and then going
into r20 IDB2 (IS) via the r20 version of the Database Management Tools RSPMAIN menu, why
does the IDB2 main menu panel show r19?


The clist called from the NSIGHT clist (NSIGHT is called when 'IS' is invoked from the RSPMAIN menu),
and in this case, NSIGHT was calling INDB2UN9, still referencing the r19 allocations.


The INDB2UN9 clist needed to be modified to reflect the current r20 dataset allocations. This includes the SYSPARM and APPLS allocations.