Allow Nullable false fields to have ~NOVALUE~ when used in an if statement
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Allow Nullable false fields to have ~NOVALUE~ when used in an if statement


Article ID: 189950


Updated On:


CA Test Data Manager (Data Finder / Grid Tools)


Issue occurred when v4.9.17 was deployed

When a field where Nullable is false and used in an 'if' statement to determine the field's value in Data Painter, allow ~NOVALUE~ as a valid value.

1. @if(1=1,X,~NOVALUE~)@      returns value X

2. @if(1=2,X,~NOVALUE~)@      returns value ~NOVALUE~

In TDM Data Painter, an error should not be returned for the condition in #2 above.  Both conditions for #1 and #2 should be allowed.

When the XML is generated/published, if all fields/tags in a table have no values and/or contain ~NOVALUE~, the table should not exist in the XML file. Currently the end tag only exists. 


Release : 4.9

Component : CA Test Data Manager


This is resolved in  TDMWeb- If you are experiencing similar issues, please contact Support and request the latest TDMWeb-4.9 release.