How does SMR get date for the DAILY file name on disk?
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How does SMR get date for the DAILY file name on disk?


Article ID: 189920


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Creating a DAILY file when CAPLWTR executes and the first DAILY to be created gets its name from the PREFIX in the PL34OPTN file. Where does the suffice SMRnnnnn get filled in?


z/OS any level
CA SMR - r3.4 


This is a process during the automated CAPLWTR process after the midnight clock time has been passed. This is built internally.


When the DAILY file is built within SMR the julian date is captured from the SYSLOG information stored in the HOLD file and matched with the julian date within the operating system. The model for the name of the file is in the PREFIX= value in PL34OPTN. 

Dsname on disk is    hlq.SYSLOG.DE22.DAILY.SMR20104

PL34OPTN                PREFIX=hlq.SMR.R34.DE22,

HOLD                        hlq.SMR.R34.DE22.XWTRL.HOLD    ---  >   You can find this file in the CAPLWTR proc allocation

The system date is checked; In this example the day is 104 of year 2000. In the HOLD file there may or may not be some active syslog and the date there should match if all the normal CAPLWTR processes are being executed properly.