Does TPX support IPv6.
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Does TPX support IPv6.


Article ID: 189891


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TPX - Session Management


Does TPX support IPv6 ?
If a physical terminal in TPX is using an IPv6 address, will TPX allow a userid to display in TPXOPER.

Where else are the IPaddr/port or any other TCPIP info used in TPX that might be impacted by IPv6?
What other items do we need to worry about with TPX related to IPv6 ?


Release : 5.4
Component : CA-TPX for Z/OS


TPX supports IPV4 and IPV6.

The variables &ipaddr, &ipport and &ipvect are chained off the TPX user control block. 

They are only available after signon is complete  - once a UIDXs is created.
These can be used on the TPX Main menu TEN0041(or Txx0041, where xxx is language).

Note: It is not possible to display these user variables on the logo panel (Txx0003 / Txx1003, where xx is the language).

This variable represents either an IPv4 or IPv6 TCP/IP address. 
If this is an IPv4 address, it will be represented as a 4 octet address. 
If this is an IPv6 address, it will be represented as an 8, 16 bit, hexadecimal value address.

This variable represents the 1 to 4 byte TCP/IP port number of the terminal connection, in decimal. 
Leading zeroes are suppressed.

This variable represents the entire TCP/IP vector (x'64') from the CINIT.

Additional Information

Predefined Variables Table