Release : 12.7
Component : CA SMF Director
It's the SCDS that determines what level the SMF Director is running, not a test or production system load library.
In fact, it is very dangerous to run SMFD using different load libraries with the same SCDS.
It's the SCDS that determines what maintenance level you're at, and not the load libraries.
In your environment, you opt'ed to put TEST and PROD systems in one SCDS, so, you don't really have a "test" system.
Another way to explain, an SMFD installation is a combination of the SCDS and the load library.
Only one SCDS, only one installation.
There is also a sample backup job CASFBKUP in the sample JCL library with the product.
The PTF (RO95700) says to run one back up to clean up any mistakes in the SCDS (you may not have any, but this will ensure you don't).
Then you can run a second back up so that you have a clean back up without any possible errors. You can use the GDG if you want, or send the output file of the first back up somewhere else.