Identity Manager Flat File provisioning connector is described in this doc:
Flat File Connector documentation We would like to explain some issues that with the connector that are often encountered:
CSV files locationFlat File connector is a Java connector and is run under Java Connector Server control. If network file location is not specified the CSV files have to be on the machine where JCS is running, and that location must be accessible by a user under which JCS process is executed.
Exporting CSV filesWhen Flat File endpoint is explored in IM, provided CSV files are read by the CSV connector and the objects defined in those files are written into a database. By default it is internal Apache Derby database, but MS SQL or Oracle can also be specified (usually for HA installations).
By default CSV endpoint is read-only. To make it CRUD "Modify Support Enabled" attribute on endpoint object must be set.
All the modification to endpoint objects, including creation of new objects, are stored in the database. The CSV files used for endpoint creation remains intact.
To be able to export:
- Set "Output location" attribute on CSV endpoint.
Ensure that the user under which JCS is running has enough permissions to create files in the output location.
- Enable one of available export options (or both of them) on CSV endpoint:
- "Export CSV files" - updated CSV files are written to output location.
- "Export CSV log files" - CSV files with modification are written to output location. If original file name is 'users.csv', corresponding log file name will be 'users.log.csv'.
First field in the log file contains an action: "modify", "create", "delete", following by other fields as in original CSV files. Only modifications are included.
- There are 2 possibilities to do actual export:
- Manual export.
Enable "Export files immediately" checkbox on CSV endpoint object and apply the change. This request will command the connector to export the files at once.
- Scheduled export.
Provide desired cron expression in "Cron expression" attribute on CSV endpoint, and enable "Schedule Export" checkbox.
The CSV connector will export CSV files automatically according to cron expression.