Agent does not reconnect to Automation Engine
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Agent does not reconnect to Automation Engine


Article ID: 189775


Updated On:


CA Automic Workload Automation - Automation Engine CA Automic One Automation


Agent lost connection to the Automation Engine. When it attempts to reconnect the following message is observed:

CP log:

20200428/213423.763 - U00003412 Agent 'agent name list here' logged on (Client connection='13326').
20200428/213423.767 - U00003366 Connection to agent 'agent name list here' already exists (old connection '*CP002#00000081', new connection '*CP009#00013326')

Agent does not connect and stop generating anything else on the agent log until the agent was shut down by Service Manager or by killing the Agent process. While in this state, AWI shows it as inactive and will not run jobs.

Agent Log:

20200709/101228.868 - U02000004 Connection to Server 'UC4PRD#CP005(ID=3)' successfully created.
20200709/101228.868 - U02000354 CP Server 'UC4PRD#CP005' reports ranking '1'.
20200709/101228.874 - U02000073 Connection to system 'UC4PRD' via CP Server '' successfully established.
20200709/101228.879 - U02000066 Host information: Host name='agentname, IP address=''

Issue persist when the agent or the CP is restarted.


This was determined to be a defect


The following workarounds have been used when encountering this issue:

  1. Some systems had some success by stopping all JCPs at the same time and starting them again.

  2. If that does not work, the following can be done:
    1. Stop JCP
    2. Delete agent -> From AWI-> Client 0 -> Administrations-> Agents-> right click on the agent and choose Delete
    3. Restart agent
    4. Start JCP

The following versions include a fix for this issue:

Automation.Engine 12.2.5
Automation.Engine 12.3.2