CA Identity ManagerCA Identity GovernanceCA Identity PortalCA Identity Suite
In a two node cluster users are unable to access CA Identity Portal In the Identity Portal server logs the service fails to start due to missing dependencies on one of the nodes. The Vapp Main logs indicate the following:
[INFO] Waiting for Identity Portal Admin UI to start (timeout=300 seconds) [ERROR] Failed to Encrypt string. Error 127: Key File location=/opt/CA/VirtualAppliance/conf/FIPSkey.dat encryptString Plain Text: [1 encryptString Encrypted value: {AES}:value encryptString /opt/CA/VirtualAppliance/scripts/.webapp/Password_Utils/encryptString: line 85: 31m[ERROR]: command not found encryptString [WARN] Encryption operation returned error #127 startPortalMainConnector [WARN] Identity Portal Admin UI is not up after 300 seconds
Release : 14.x
Component : IdentityPortal (Virtual Appliance)
Compare the FIPSKey.dat file from the working node to the non working node.
If the keys are different copy the FIPSKey.dat file from the working node to the non working node