CA View - Arrange Columns on Sysout Selection List
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CA View - Arrange Columns on Sysout Selection List


Article ID: 189698


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Deliver View


The client uses ALL mode in CA View, using the Sysout Selection List panels with the 32-character Sysout ID.
They want to be able to see the column with the XCODE value on the first panel shown.

Can you, in a profile, indicate the order of the columns you want for a Sysout Selection List?


Release : 14.0

Component : CA View


As the client was looking to have XCODE on the first panel presented in View, with ALL mode, the suggestion was made, for a particular user, to have them use the "short" panels, which shows XCODE on the first panel.

If there is use of SARINIT parameter LANGUAGE=R, then the short panels can be accessed by:

 . Go to the View Primary Panel, using command "DEF USER". 
 . In the resulting User Definition List, find the user in question. 
 . In the L(anguage) column, set to "RS", for use of the short panels. 
 . Have the user go back to the Primary Panel, and make their selection again.