CA Dispatch support for DFSMSrmm Tape Management Interface
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CA Dispatch support for DFSMSrmm Tape Management Interface


Article ID: 189660


Updated On:


Dispatch Output Mgmt


Information regarding CA Dispatch's Tape Management Interface with RMM and how it works.


CA Dispatch 


The following summary of information was taken from:

The CA Dispatch 11.7 System Programmers Guide, chapter 2 - Product Integration, Support for DFSMSrmm 
The CA Dispatch 11.7 User Guide for the Report Administrators manual, chapter 17- Archiving, Using Tape Management Systems

CA Dispatch supports the DFSMSrmm (Data Facility System Managed Storage Removable Media Manager), the IBM supplied tape management facility for z/OS. Configure the interface as follows:

- Step 1: Update the Screen Parameters - To select Batch RMM, follow these steps:

1. On the Report Distribution Option Menu (VRDMI000), enter 9 and press the Enter key. The Sysgen Option Menu (VSGMI100) is displayed.
2. On the Sysgen Option Menu (VSGMI100), enter A and press the Enter key. The Sysgen Archival Control Information Screen (VSGMU210) is displayed.
3. On the Sysgen Archival Control Information Screen (VSGMU210), locate the Tape Management System option line near the bottom of the screen.

Enter 5 for Batch RMM in the Tape Management System option location, and press the Enter key.

- Step 2: Update EDGRMMxx - TVEXTPURGE option

In addition to setting up CA Dispatch to know it is writing to DFSMSrmm tapes, it may be necessary to update member EDGRMMxx in SYS1.PARMLIB. This function insures that the proper disposition of expired archive volumes occurs during the archive batch maintenance.

Set the TVEXTPURGE option to one of the following:

NONE - DFSMSrmm takes no action for volumes to be purged.
RELEASE - DFSMSrmm releases volumes to be purged according to the release actions set for the volume. You must run expiration processing to return a volume to scratch status.
EXPIRE - Use the EXPIRE option to set the volume expiration date to the current date for volumes to be purged

The recommended option is TVEXTPURGE(RELEASE).

There are subtle differences between RELEASE and EXPIRE. For more information, see the DFSMSrmm Implementation and Customization Guide.

- DFSMSRmm for Batch - Option 5

Option 5 indicates that CA Dispatch archives data sets to tapes managed by DFSMSrmm. Only CA Dispatch tracks the data sets on this tape. CA Dispatch must notify DFSMSrmm (Data Facility System Managed Storage Removable Media Manager) when a tape can be scratched.

Note: For more information, see the topic DFSMSrmm Tape Management in the chapter "Product Integration" in the Systems Programmer Guide.

- Retention Considerations, Option 5

Option 5 causes the first data set on a CA Dispatch archive tape to be set with an expiration date of 2099365 and to presume that its tapes will be treated as externally managed by DFSMSrmm.

- If the proper EDM interface is established, DFSMSrmm will assign PERM for the tape retention and treat it as a single file, single volume tape. It is up to CA Dispatch to track those data sets. When an execution of the CA Dispatch batch maintenance utility with the MIGRATE command indicates that all data sets on a tape have exceeded their retentions, the programming interface EDGTVEXT is invoked to request DFSMSrmm to release tape volumes. Since CA Dispatch controls when the tapes are scratched, you can specify retention in both Days and Gens.

- To use Option 5, follow these steps:
1. Perform the setup procedures previously outlined above.
2. Execute the batch maintenance utility (CADSPSAR/CADSTMIG) with the MIGRATE command on a regular basis. When all the archived records for a particular VOLSER have been deleted from the Archive database, this job will call the programming interface EDGTVEXT to scratch that Volser.

- Results When Using Option 5

* Enhanced performance of CA Dispatch during Archive and Extract.
* DFSMSrmm handles the tape scratching based on a call from CA Dispatch when the MIGRATE command is executed. You have maximum flexibility in defining retention (Days or Gens) because CA Dispatch determines when the tape is scratched.
* You can change the retention of archived reports on VARMU100 and cause the retention of previously archived reports to be changed.


Additional Information

Legacy CA Dispatch documentation bookshelf

- User Guide for the Report Administrator
- Systems Programmers Guide