IDMS: Modifying Index symbolic key values
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IDMS: Modifying Index symbolic key values


Article ID: 189637


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IDMS IDMS - Database


When a program issues a MODIFY which changes the value of a field which is part of the symbolic key of an index, is the value in the index automatically changed?


Release : All supported releases.

Component : CA IDMS


A database index by definition indexes the data in a record.
To not change the index when its key is modified in a record occurrence would corrupt the database.

For optional indexes (i.e. anything other than MANDATORY AUTOMATIC), MODIFYing the value of a field which is in the index key does nothing to change that record's membership of the index.
If it is a member, the value will be changed in the index and the record remains a member of the index.
If it is not a member, the value is changed in the data record but there is no change to the index.

The only way to change a record's membership status within an optional index is with the CONNECT and DISCONNECT verbs.