There are multiple reasons a database is not available for Autosys Web Service.
- It could be the network, configuration or user access related. Which needs to be verified first.
- The web server resides on the same box as the Autosys Application Server. Verify if the autosys native commands return successfully.
$ chk_auto_up
CAUAJM_I_50054 Attempting (1) to Connect with Database: AEDB
CAUAJM_I_50055 *** Have Connected successfully with Database: AEDB. ***
CAUAJM_I_50128 Connected with Event Server: AEDB
CAUAJM_I_50038 Checking AutoSys Primary Scheduler on Machine:
CAUAJM_I_50044 Primary Scheduler is RUNNING on machine:
- Permissions for the web services filesystem [install directory] owner on the file 'tnsnames.ora'.
$ ls -lrt $TNS_ADMIN/tnsnames.ora
-rw-r-----. 1 oracle oinstall 641 Aug 29 2019 /u01/app/oracle/product/
$ id -nG oracle
oinstall dba oper backupdba dgdba kmdba racdba
$ id -nG autosys
- The Workload Automation AE Webserver's file system owner supposed to have the least 'read' permissions on the file. Update the same and restart the autosys webserver service.
# chmod o+r tnsnames.ora
# ls -lrt tnsnames.ora
-rw-r--r--. 1 oracle oinstall 641 Aug 29 2019 tnsnames.ora