​Attempting to compile an IDMS/SQL cobol program. IDMSDMLC issues the following error message:DML035 SQL MESSAGE -- INCTBL SQLCODE=-6,ERC=1031 CC = 16
Release: All supported releases.
Component: IDMS SQL.
The DICTNAME parameter in the SYSIDMS ddname of the IDMSDMLC step is specifying a DBNAME which includes no catalog segment.
If the DICTNAME identifies a dbname which includes a valid SQL catalog segment, but just doesn't contain the SQL table being INCLUDEd, then a friendly error is returned.E DML013 TABLE NOT FOUND IN CATALOG
However, if the DICTNAME identifies a dbname which has no SQL catalog segment, the undocumented message DML035 is issued.DML035 SQL MESSAGE -- INCTBL SQLCODE=-6,ERC=1031 CC = 16
Make sure the DICTNAME parameter in the SYSIDMS ddname of the IDMSDMLC step identifies the correct dbname, one which includes an SQL catalog segment.