Run SCHEDULE did not bring in jobs for SCheduler
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Run SCHEDULE did not bring in jobs for SCheduler


Article ID: 189600


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Scheduler Job Management


Issued a RUN SCHEDULE NAME=schdname and the jobs did not come in for the schedule.


When issuing the RUN SCHEDULE NAME=schdname command, it will bypass the criteria evaluation for the schedule.   Each job criteria will be evaluated if the job is to be selected for processing.  For the jobs that do not get selected, review each job criteria.  Here are some basic reasons why a job is not selected:

1.  Criteria has date dependency, such as    SAT,  DEC, WDOM-1     and it does not meet the date criteria
2.  Criteria has  JOBA SCHDXYZ ,   JOBA SCHDXYZ is not scheduled today or is not in the active workload
3.  Criteria has SCD SCHDABC,    schedule SCHDABC   is not scheduled today or is not in the active workload