PRINT function in Netmaster sends to spam folder or fails using CSSMTP
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PRINT function in Netmaster sends to spam folder or fails using CSSMTP


Article ID: 189598


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NetMaster Network Automation NetMaster Network Management for SNA NetMaster Network Management for TCP/IP NetMaster File Transfer Management SOLVE


After changing from SNMP to CSSMTP, the PRINT facility in Netmaster is not sending emails correctly.

The emails may fail, or land in the spam or junk folder.

It looks like there is a problem with the FROM address. 
How can I override the hostname / domainname being used?



Release : 12.1 and 12.2

Component : Netmaster Suite of products


CSSMTP uses a different process to determine the FROM email id so by default it may show only the hostnname without a domain, or may use the entire host hame as the email domain, or some other variation.


1. Go to /PARMS

2. Under the NAMES section select the $NM SYSTEMID parameter group with U (update)

3. PF8 to the second screen.

   Update the Domain Name field with the domain you want to use for your email.


  +- SYSTEMID - System Identifications ----------------------
  | Domain Name ...      

4. PF6 to action the parameter group an dynamically implement the change

5. PF4 to save the change

6. PF3 to exit

Email should now function. 

If problems persist, please check your Netmaster log and the CSSMTP log for error messages.

If that doesn't help, please contact support.

Additional Information

This method does not work for the SOLVE products.